Learn Where and How to Put or Add Keywords on any Web Site

Why Should You Know How to Add Keywords to a Website?

seo learning 2020
Seo Learning Search Engine Optimization 
By Jobs, learning how to add keywords to a website you will be able to keyword your own blogs, website pages, and other internet marketing materials. You will also gain context for why Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is so important for your business.

How Can Adding Keywords to My Website Help My Business?

Adding keywords to your website helps search engines understand what your website can offer someone searching, and ultimately bring you more qualified traffic. How? With identifiers, like keywords. Without Keywords on your website pages there is no way for a search engine to categorize your website and show it to the right people searching.Think of it this way, a well written paper has a thesis, and supporting arguments that relate to the thesis. Readers of well written papers have a clear understanding of what the subject is and what the paper is about. This is the same theory behind Google and other search engines. In fact two students from Stanford created Google with this same idea in mind.
A well made website has a main subject, and often has sub categories that relate to the main subject, and by keywording each of these areas we are able to give a clear picture to search engines, and people searching are able to find you more easily.

For example:
Your Main Subject Might Be: icecream
Your Sub-Categories or Topics Could Be: Vanila Icecream, Cake,

Choosing Keywords for Your Website

Now that you understand the framework of a site and how it matters it’s time to choose keywords. How? We use a number of tools and perform extensive research for our keywords; however one tool that is free is the Google Keyword Tool. Simply input your location information and category, then type in the main subject of your website. The tool will generate a number of keywords, and give you stats like these:

Competition: (Low, Med, High) This tells you how many people are trying to keyword for that word or phrase. The higher the competition the more difficult it is to rank high in Google for that search term.

Global Monthly Volume: How many searches are made per month globally for that term.

Local Monthly: Is determined by the information you put into your search. If you specified your location as the U.S. then it would be the number of monthly searches for that term in the U.S.
While this tool is easy to use, all keywords are not treated the same. In fact some keywords bring you more traffic than others, and some might bring you a lot of traffic that never converts. This is why we highly recommend business owners hiring an agency that is educated in SEO and keywording to help them with their internet marketing.

How Many Keywords Do I Need to Add Per Page?

After you have conducted your keyword research you will need to choose one keyword for each of your website pages or blogs. Keywords should be specific to the page topic and relate to your overall website subject.
Example of Good Keyword Choice:
Main Website Theme: icecream
Website Page: vanila icecream
Assigned Keyword: Best vanila icecream
Example of Bad Keyword Choice:
Main Website Theme: icecream
Website Page: vanila icecream
Assigned Keyword: icecream recipes 

How to Add Keywords to Your Website Page:

For best search engine optimization result, when adding keywords to your website, it is important to include your keyword in 6 places on each page of your website. Including your keyword in these 6 areas will help search engines identify the subject of your page and rank your page in search results.
  1. Page Title
  2. Meta Description
  3. Header
  4. Sub Header
  5. Body Paragraphs
  6. Image Alt Tags
Page Title & Meta Description:
Page Titles & Meta Descriptions are a more technical part of key-wording your website. However, it is important to recognize how valuable they can be for your internet marketing efforts. What are Page Titles & Meta Descriptions? These parts of your website page actually show up in search results, they are the first impression a searcher gets of your website page.

If you do not have access to your website Page Titles or Meta Descriptions then it will be important to check with your website management company that those areas are filled out correctly for SEO.

Headers are a lot like billboards for search engines. They are one of the biggest ways to show search engines what your main subject is for your page. It is important that you include your entire keyword in your header.

Sub-headers are another area to tell search engines what you want the website page to be found for. Think of this area as real-estate, if you don’t try to include your keywords in the sub-header then you are missing out.

Body Paragraph:
When writing the body content for your website page you should try to include your keyword, or at least parts of your keyword. Remember to keep your writing natural, search engines will actually penalize you if your writing over stuffs keywords and appears unnatural. When you first try to write with keywords you might find it difficult, but keep practicing! It really does get easier, and you will get better at shaping your content for adding keywords.

Image Alt Tags:
Images are a great addition to any webpage, in fact they can even help search engines rank you. Alt tags are essentially a label that you assign to your image so that search engines can read the image. If you don’t use Alt tags for images then search engines will not see it. By key-wording these image Alt Tags you are telling search engines "I used a picture and it relates to the subject of my page.

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Keyword Tools

So how do you figure out these keywords and phrases? Here are a couple of great keyword tools that can help you do this:
  • Digital Tracker Keyword Suggestion: Digital Tracker is absolutely invaluable. I use this every day.
  • Free Keyword Suggestion Tool: Displays how many times a certain keyword was searched for in a given month. Shows all related searches for the entered keyword.
  • Google Keyword Tool: "The Keyword Tool generates potential keywords for your ad campaigns and reports their Google statistics, including search performance and seasonal trends."
All of these keyword tools can help you get a clear idea of what people are actually searching for, and then you can use those words within your site copy and structure to attract more people to your site.

It's all about providing the better user experience - if people can't find your site, no matter how great your service or site is, you're not providing that good user experience.

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